Youth Empowerment and Leadership
Q: What do you mean by “youth empowerment”?
A: YRUUP is a youth empowerment organization. We seek to empower attendees to a place where they can embrace their self worth and confidence as a leader and as a person. We want YRUU youth to realize their full potential as active forces of change in their communities, and support them in discovering their unique life paths as lifelong Unitarian Universalists.
Q: Do you have to attend church to attend YRUUP events?
We serve youth regardless of their affiliation with any congregation or religion, or lack thereof. We choose instead to create programming which accepts all, but is built around the values and traditions of Unitarian Universalism.
Q: What leadership positions does YRUUP provide?
A: Our events are mostly led by youth attendees (called Youth Empowered Lay Leaders, or YELLers). With such a diversity in leadership positions, youth at our events can develop skills in almost anything! Leadership responsibilities can include organizing events, cooking, leading group activities, community building, peer chaplaining, spiritual guidance, and more!
Youth that have bridged (or “graduated”) from YRUU have gone on to be successful in varied professions. Some have even started other Unitarian Universalist programs and organizations such as the Middle School Unitarian Universalist Gatherings (MUUGs). For more information on specific YELLer positions, check out our leadership page.
Q: How can I hold a leadership position?
A: If you are a youth aged 14–20 and would like to lead at one of our conferences, send an email to our Co Conference Coordinators at or fill out our YELLer application form here.
Q: With so much emphasis on leadership, what place is there for followers in YRUUP?
A: Our programming is designed in a way in which youth may choose to step up as a leader as much or as little as they wish, and have an enjoyable and fulfilling time at events no matter what roles they choose to fill. We believe that the most effective progress is made when everyone is able to “step up” and lead when they are needed, and subsequently “step back” when another can better serve the needs around them, or when they have been leading often and would like to give others an opportunity to do so. By empowering and creating leaders, those who are not yet comfortable leading but might like to one day (especially those new to YRUUP) are provided with mentors and role models until they are ready to take on positions themselves. As our members become more comfortable with their peers, they are given an environment in which they can grow and actualize the inherent potential present within all.
Q: What is Council?
A: Council is the governing body of the YRUUP organization, an elected board of youth and adults which creates policy, books sites, handles inter-event disciplinary action, and provides local congregations with information and notifications for YRUUP events. Each member has a specific job geared toward running and planning events, organizing council meetings, or communicating with communities outside YRUUP.
Q: How is Council elected?
A: Council is elected each year at YRUUP’s Elections Conference in February. Individual candidates are selected by a volunteer Nominations Committee, and a proposed council is presented to the community for a confirmation vote. All attendees of the conference are given the opportunity to vote on each individual council nomination, and on changes to our bylaws or policies and procedures. Any community member may run.
Q: What are the positions on Council?
A: A full list of council members, and their responsibilities, can be found on the Council page here.