Q: Are you insured?
A: Yes, YRUUP is insured with Church Mutual, the same insurance that YRUU had under the PCD.
Q: I heard rumors that there was sex/drugs/lack of parental communication/(insert bad thing) at an LRY/YRUU event in the past.
A: It is important to understand that not only is YRUU vastly different from LRY, it is also extremely different than it was just a few years ago. In the past few years, Council has recognized problems and tightened many policies in order to ensure the utmost safety and comfort of our attendees. YRUUP has a zero tolerance policy for sex, drugs, and other inappropriate behaviors as outlined in the YRUUP Covenant. While it is important to learn and grow from the history of YRUU and LRY, it is of equal importance to recognize the differences and improvements implemented.
Q: If this is such a big problem, why has it not been dealt with before?
A: Good question. Discussion around youth programming has, frankly, not really existed in previous years. Now that the wider Unitarian Universalist community is engaging in open conversation around youth programming, we are realizing areas that need to be changed or strengthened, leading to the best programming possible.
Thank you for reading! If this document failed to address a question you have, please email council at council@yruup.org and we will do our best to answer.