Rule Infractions
Q: What consequences are there for breaking the rules/covenant at events?
A: With the close-knit and supportive nature of our community, severe breaches of covenant are infrequent and quickly resolved. However, when they do occur, they are taken very seriously. Council approaches breaches of covenant with the goal of restorative justice and reform. Consequences range from sending an attendee home early or suspending them from events to banning them indefinitely.
Breaches of covenant will be reported to the NCUUCC Board President in compliance with the NCUUCC Bylaws and Policies, and applicable state laws. When a breach of covenant occurs, the offending youth will be required to contact a trusted adult in their life. In the case of a non-mandated issue, this adult may be a parent, minister, godparent, counselor, or other trusted adult in the community. The goal of informing the adult is not to implement a means of punishment, but it is intended to foster healthy and thoughtful conversation about the youth’s actions and the direct consequences. In the case of a mandated issue, a parent/guardian will always be contacted immediately, as well as the host congregation’s DRE, the NCUUCC Board, and applicable authorities.